1: Simone Biles makes a triumphant return to team gymnastics, boosting US women to victory.

2: The decorated Olympian helps the US team clinch the gold medal in her comeback performance.

3: Biles displays her unmatched talent, leading the team to success in the gymnastics competition.

4: The US women dominate the event with Simone Biles back in action, showcasing their strength.

5: Simone Biles' return to team gymnastics propels the US women to the top spot.

6: Biles' presence inspires her teammates to excel, securing a win for the US in gymnastics.

7: The US women's gymnastics team shines with Simone Biles leading the charge.

8: Simone Biles' comeback electrifies the audience as the US team emerges victorious.

9: Biles' return to team competition is a game-changer, putting the US women on top.