1: Simone Biles' husband Jonathan Owens supports her gymnastics comeback.

2: Jonathan Owens stands by Simone Biles as she returns to the sport.

3: The unwavering support of Jonathan Owens during Simone Biles' return.

4: Jonathan Owens roots for wife Simone Biles in her gymnastics journey.

5: The role of Jonathan Owens in Simone Biles' fearless gymnastics return.

6: Simone Biles' comeback fueled by husband Jonathan Owens' encouragement.

7: Jonathan Owens' presence strengthens Simone Biles' return to gymnastics.

8: The supportive partnership of Jonathan Owens and Simone Biles in her comeback.

9: Jonathan Owens champions Simone Biles' courage in her return to gymnastics.