1: Myth: Grandparents spoil grandkids. Fact: Providing love and guidance is key.

2: Myth: Grandparents are outdated. Fact: They adapt to modern times.

3: Myth: Grandparents are not tech-savvy. Fact: Many are tech enthusiasts.

4: Myth: Grandparents dislike change. Fact: They embrace new experiences.

5: Myth: Grandparents are only for babysitting. Fact: They offer wisdom and support.

6: Myth: Grandparents are strict disciplinarians. Fact: They balance love and boundaries.

7: Myth: Grandparents are disconnected from grandkids. Fact: They build strong bonds with them.

8: Myth: Grandparents are too old to have fun. Fact: They enjoy playing and making memories.

9: Myth: Grandparenthood is easy. Fact: It requires patience, understanding, and love.